Our son died in the Spring of 2024 from ALS. As his parents, watching his decline was heartbreaking and words cannot describe the sorrow in losing him. We live far away and were fortunate enough to find Danielle who helped him and our entire family prepare for the end of his life. Danielle has a warm and healing demeanor, and she regularly met with him and our grandsons to provide counseling and emotional support. She was also integral in organizing his hospice care and facilitating the MAID (Medical Aid in Death) program. It was his decision to utilize the MAID program, and Danielle demystified the process. We are comforted that he felt empowered at the end of his life. Danielle’s guidance allowed him to make arrangements as he wished. We were all together at the end – and she, by our side. We are very thankful to her.
D.R & S.R
Their son transitioned
May 24, 2024
I met Danielle while awaiting the arrival of my youngest son to say goodbye before removing the breathing machine from my husband of over 50 years. Her presence made all the difference in those last few days, transforming the mood from medical beeps and alarms to humanity and love. She made suggestions that helped our family members feel connected. Her presence and efforts transformed the memories of his passing completely. She is absolutely the bright spot in a dark year for me.
LeNeta V.
Her Husband Transitioned
March 23, 2023
Danielle is an amazing resource for any family facing the end of life of a loved one. She was a great comfort to my wife as she neared the end of a long illness. Not only did she provide comfort and support to my wife, but she helped my two daughters and me to understand what my wife was facing and explained how we could better support her journey. It was a very difficult time, but the support that Danielle provided was invaluable.
Bill A.
His Wife Transitioned
December 29, 2023
Danielle guided our family so beautifully through the final months and days with my mother. She helped all of us navigate difficult conversations with grace, helped explain medical issues, helped prepare us for what to expect, and helped my sister, dad, and I to recognize the precious moments we were sharing with my mom as she prepared to let go. I will be forever grateful for her guidance and support. I feel so lucky that my sister was introduced to Danielle and Conscious Crossroads. She is now part of our family.
Andi P.
Her Mother Transitioned
December 29, 2023
Death doula Danielle has a unique gift for helping people at the end of life and their loved ones. She brings grace, kindness, and knowledge that transforms the fear of the dying process to an acceptance of the transition as a sacred space and time. While I worked with her when my in-laws were just days away from death, she can help you and your family well in advance to prepare for a peaceful transition.
Gail R.
Her Father-in-Law Transitioned
July 2, 2024
Her Mother-in-Law Transitioned
July 8, 2024
The unexpected loss of my father followed by the rapid decline of my mother were not easy events to witness or comprehend. During those troubled times, Danielle was instrumental in bringing comfort and support to my family along with the understanding of what was happening to my mother prior to her passing.In a very short time, my mother established a bond with Danielle that was truly remarkable! The time that they had together meant a great deal to my mother. It is now a beautiful memory that I will always cherish. Danielle continues to be of much help and support as my family and I deal with our loss and grief. Her guidance has been immeasurable. My hope is that others will read this and not try to face the loss of someone alone. And, if necessary, contact Danielle. I am grateful that I did.
John W.
His Father Transitioned
March 8, 2022
His Mother Transitioned
August 8, 2022
Danielle was such a great inspiration and help to my wife and myself. I can not express how thankful I am to have met her. The compassion and lessons she shared with us are greatly appreciated.
Robert S.
His Wife Transitioned
September 30, 2022
Danielle was an absolute God send to our family during our beloved Aunt’s passing. She became family during those tough days, comforting not only my Aunt, but every single one of us there. I had no idea this service existed until then, and I don’t know how we would have made it without her there. Whether it was helping put together gifts, being a friend to my little one during the extra hard moments, a shoulder to cry on, ensuring my Aunt’s wishes were fulfilled, or her compassion and wisdom - she was a bright light to help all of us during this difficult time and even helped us view ‘end of life’ from a new perspective. She herself is a living miracle and learning her story only helped put us more at ease. We absolutely love her and thank her for being everything we needed during a very difficult time for our family. ❤️
Paula O.
Her Aunt Transitioned
September 30, 2022
Like most people, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a death doula. I was staying with my sister who was dying of cancer. I had a caregiver helping me but felt very alone and afraid having never witnessed a death before and we had no other family. Through a Divine set of circumstances, I landed on doula Danielle’s website and made myself give her a call. She came running, and from the first hug, I knew it would be okay. As my sister’s time drew near, Danielle came to create a safe, peaceful, and loving space to help my sister (and me) let go of her physical body. Since then Danielle has provided readings and ways to cope with the death of a loved one as well as personal phone calls and offers of any help with services and other details. She is very knowledgeable and helpful. If you find yourself needing any kind of help, at any time, with your own or a loved one’s dying process, please give Danielle a call. It was the best thing I ever did.
Patty S.
Her Sister Transitioned
October 27, 2022
Danielle. What a treasure. Someone told me recently that Danielle must be the kindest person on the planet. What I know, and can write a testimonial to, is that Danielle helped make the last months of my husband’s dying into such a peaceful and loving process for my husband, and a supported and cared for journey for me. The first thing to know about her is that she is a tremendous font of information for the family. It is a time of many questions and confusions for anyone. There are many decisions to be made at such a time. She helped us make them for ourselves. Danielle has a wisdom that is hard to contemplate, really, in so young a person. The next thing that I think about her, and can hardly wrap my broken heart around—is that she is always so graceful, warm, and loving. And at a time of nearing death and loss, everyone can benefit from feeling surrounded by that kind of support. A third thing about Danielle is her creative spontaneity. She sees things that need doing, and she does it. And then she thinks of something that will make it even easier, or more profound, or more loving. Everyone in our household who came in contact with Danielle loved her. We were all so thankful that we stumbled upon her helpful self in such an overwhelming time. ♥️
Sukey F.
Her Husband Transitioned
May 17th, 2024